Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Make shift

Now let’s play a game of “I spy” along the road.

Let me set the stage, take the busiest road in town (i.e. Montgomery in Abq, Colorado Blvd in CO. or University Ave in UT) then place it in a developing nation, get rid of traffic laws and speed limits, line it with every possible good and living thing, and cram it with cars and motorcycles and you have the Uganda “highway” system.

Then you list the things you see:
Goats, Pool table 5 ft from the road with people playing on it, Auto supplies, Sellers walking among cars, Soccer stadium, Missionaries, Barbers outside, Produce, Shops, Homes, Sugar cane, prostitutes, Electronics, Cell phone ads, tires, Lake Victoria, open fires cooking, shanties, dogs, flora and fauna, trucks with people piled in the back, lots of guns, soccer balls, lazy boys, underwear, metal doors, livestock, furniture, markets, motorbikes, boda boda bikes, children, and basically anything you can find in Africa.

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