so, the problem with starting a blog is that all your thoughts start to process like a blog feed. as i begin to ponder, i start reconstructing my thoughts and sentences into a format
conducive to creating the
maximum level of flow and cleverness for the reader. thus my brain gets something resembling writer's block and my morning runs normally filled with free flowing thoughts have become stunted and out of shape. even worse, when i actually get to the computer to write down all these witty and deep carefully constructed reflections, my brain goes blank and i sit staring at my computer, switching up my
pandora stations in hopes that music will inspire my hindered emotional authorship. so good music or not, i have resigned myself to just punch out a couple of lingering posts and walk away, in rational denial of being satisfied. so here is a short series of posts.
also you may want to look below you might be delighted to see some lovely pictures added in.
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